2015年4月3日 星期五

李斯特論自己的作品《輕盈》(La Leggierezza) (附英文版)



-- 李斯特論自己的作品《輕盈》﹝《三首音樂會練習曲》第二首﹞,1885629 (《李斯特鋼琴大師班1884-1886─戈勒列茲筆記本》,頁75)

“These pieces were written thirty years ago; in those days it was said, “No one can play that. Indeed, if Liszt plays such pieces they work, but otherwise they are quite unplayable!” The master himself performed the theme very calmly, but not too slowly. He stressed that as a rule, he does not take runs in his original compositions very fast, “because the business becomes too messy and blurred for me.” “That is not such a bad piece; in its day nothing like it had been heard or even writte.”

-- Liszt on his La Leggierezza, No. 2 from 3 Etudes de concert (The Piano Master Classes of Franz Liszt 1884-1886 - Diary Notes of August Göllerich, p. 75)

