李斯特評大師班學生Miss Jeschke 彈奏李斯特《梅菲斯特圓舞曲第三首》,1884年6月22日 [附原文]
Liszt on Liszt’s “Mephisto Waltz No. 3”,
played by Miss Jeschke, on 22 June 1884
“I will tell you the review you will get
if you play that in concert. It will say very talented young woman, a lot of
technique! Only too bad that she occupies herself with such terrible pieces.
The composer truly seems never to have studied the rudiments of harmony and
strict form. Certainly this opening already shows that!”
-- The Piano Master Classes of Franz Liszt
1884-1886 - Diary Notes of August Göllerich (p. 51)